A real mixture of not very nice to great things. Generally I like to blog about postives but on this occasion I'll share one of the bad times.
A couple of Thursdays ago Flint my 14 year old got up and collapsed - his back end clearly not communicating with the brain and a lop sided head. Back in September he had been diagnosed with suspected secondary cancer of his lung and due to his age and extent of it they decided to pursue it no futher and he came home to be spoilt for his remaining few months. So the first thought was a brain tumour :(
He couldn't settle and got himself into a real panic and eventually we thought we might have to do what was best for him. We travelled to the emergency vets not wanting him to suffer a moment longer than needed.
Once there the vet reaffirmed our thoughts but mentioned that it could be a vestibular in which case a few days on the drip may help and he would have a bit longer. Meanwhile she had given him an injection to stop him feeling dizzy and he settled down.
She said he was not in pain just feeling sick and dizzy and as it was not our vets we decided to take him home to reassess him later with our own vet.
For a few days he fell about the place and didn't want to eat. The not eating was a big concern as he is so skinny from the cancer anyway that we worried how long we had.
He got bright enough for us to take the risk to leave him with friends and neighbours letting him out and my son staying while we were at Crufts. My son cooked him fish and rice.
This was him today